Friday, January 31, 2014

Is it Over Yet?

By: Ashley LV. Is anyone else as concerned as I am about the sever lack of urgency that was shown to the chemical spill in West Virginia when it initially started. I have live in the mountain state my whole life and I do not recall ever having something so serious happen and such little care shown to its citizens. As if finding out that such an event had occurred in the first place wasn’t enough of a cause for concern for citizens, we later find about the danger of the chemical itself. Now they tell us that cancer causing formaldehyde was released into the air also, and it’s been weeks sense the spill! It seems to be one thing after another, when will they get to the bottom line and do something about the dangers rather than waiting for weeks to find then? Let us be hopeful that they have finely found everything that could a danger to us so that the families surrounding me are no longer ill affected.